In 17th century, and particularly in the northeast of Scotland, there was the widespread belief that a part of every field should be left untilled. This was based on a myth that if all the land was tilled by the farmer, the devil or the fairies would come back and take part of the crop or the precious cattle. This area left to the spirits was known as the Goodman’s Croft.
If you walk around Aberdeenshire 300 years later, you can still notice the parts of fields that remain untouched, some possibly being the legitimate descendants of the Goodman’s Croft. The superstition associated to this practice might have disappeared, but the metaphorical question can still remain: What are the areas that nowadays remain untouched in small rural communities?
Politics, social agendas and individual voices are one such area. Many of the critical decisions that impact upon rural communities have been deferred to the urban centres and institutions, while issues such as the decline of skill, poverty, climate change and anti-social behaviour remain untouched at a local level.
Goodman’s Croft: Radio Lumsden aims to dig up, lay bare and celebrate untilled voices of the Aberdeenshire community. Through the construction of a unique mobile radio station, artist Rocca Gutteridge and radio consultant Craig Priestley will explore how community radio can offer an important media voice for an otherwise disempowered conversation.
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