NVA Witte Fietsenplan (White Bike Plan).
Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art 2010
Over the next six months we’ll be holding hold three Artachats in three distinct Aberdeenshire locations. Each session will invite diverse, knowledgeable and passionate speakers to act as catalysts for dialogue, debate and learning amongst an active audience wishing to participate in the future of the Arts in the North East of Scotland.
“Let’s get together…” draws a close eye on collaboration in Contemporary Art.
What do we really mean when we talk about collaboration? What are the social, economic, artistic and educational reasons for collaboration in Contemporary Art? Who do we collaborate with and how do we know when these collaborations are successful?
Angus Farquhar (NVA) and Peter McCaughey (WAVE, artist and lecturer) will open the debate, sharing their experiences and opinions of the field. Blane Johnson (former RGU student) and Deborah Beeson (The Mothers' Art Movement) will then subjectively discuss if collaboration is and isn’t working in Aberdeenshire.
We look forward to welcoming you at this upcoming Artachat discussion.
Lunch will be provided.
After the event there is the opportunity to travel to Deveron Arts, Huntly to view new work by internationally renowned Swiss Artist, Roman Signer and learn more about Writer in Residence Amy Fung's symposium “Who are we writing for?” who asks: “can we be both critical AND publicly accessible when it comes to discussing contemporary art?”
Places are free but limited so booking essential
For more info and to attend please email info@artachat.co.uk
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